Rant of The Day

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

- Winston Churchill

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stacking 5s

GoAnimate.com: Stacking 5s by TheTechDiva

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

Learning at LACUE 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

LACUE 2011

Look for these sessions at the 2011 Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators in New Orleans, LA November 28-30.

True Confessions of THE Tech Diva-50 minute concurrent session
During this session participants will garner tech tips and tools that I have acquired over 10 years in my roles as Technology Facilitator, Technology Trainer, Computer Literacy Instructor, and Classroom Teacher. Learn how digital immigrants can foster technical competency in this digital native age. 
Handouts uploaded to http://techdivalevier.pbworks.com/w/page/20220539/FrontPage

Karaoke Anyone? Part 2 Poster Session

Kids remember all the songs on the radio, but they can’t remember anything in class? Learn how to take any subject matter turn it into a song and use PowerPoint and Audacity to have educational karaoke in class and improve students’ attention and retention. New content!!
PowerPoint presentations uploaded to http://techdivalevier.pbworks.com/w/page/20220539/FrontPage

If you make it, stop by my session and, "holla at the Tech Diva!"
Mention my blog and recieve a special door prize!!!!!!!!!